Style Up! [BEAUTY News]


愛犬と手作りキャンピングガーで旅を続ける女の子のインスタが心地いい! アメリカの景色とワンコたちの表情がグッとくるよ


24歳の女性・シドニー(Sydney Ferbrache)さんは、相棒のゴールデンレトリバー・エラ(Ella)と一緒にアメリカ中を旅しています。






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Over the last year, I have shared pieces of my story through captions and photos. Snippets and small details of an entire life. I’m constantly thinking about how I want to share more and show you who I really am. There’s a vulnerability to opening up that I haven’t quite got acquainted with enough and I’m finally breaking out of that. 🙌🏼 I want to commit myself to being a much more active part of this amazing community that I have here. Sooo, “My Solo Road” will be the new podcast that I’m creating all about my life in the van! 😝 It’ll be fun and casual but with lots of information and probably some weird stories. You’ll get to know me in a way that I’ve only ever been in person outside of this public space. This is my chance to open up and really let you in on what it’s like on a daily basis to be on the road and share everything I’ve learned along the way! You continuously overwhelm me with love and support, and this podcast will be my biggest and most terrifying project yet. It means the absolute world to me to have you all behind me and to be apart of this new adventure. ❤ I’ve been thinking about this for way too long and I’m SO EXCITED for it to finally be unfolding. If you have topics you want me to cover, something you’ve always wanted to know, or guests you want me to interview, please let me know! (Get your wine ready because I’ll definitely be drinking. I need it for this one, okay? Thanks.) Episode 1 will be out next week. 🙏🏼

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それまでのバンは彼に贈呈、必死で働き新しいバンを購入。3ヵ月かけて改修をして、 “我が家” を手に入れたそうなんです。

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This is what most nights really look like for me. No crazy views. No insane scenery. Sometimes there really are mountains but most nights there are just bushes in the parking lot. Ella laying at my feet and my best friend on the phone. Working on my laptop and way too much coffee for one person. It’s these moments that make living in a van feel so normal. But it’s also these quiet, normal moments where it usually hits me.. I’ve actually created this life for myself. I worked really hard and still do every day. I figured out what I wanted and I did it. It’s not impossible or just luck. You can do the exact same thing. No excuses. Just figure out what you want and get there. And whenever you doubt yourself, just look forward to the first mundane moment where it hits you and you realize you actually did it. You created your own happiness. Amazing views are cool but these moments are everything.

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This morning we went for a long walk through the neighborhood I grew up in. We walked down the court where I played kick ball with all the other kids, showed Ella the trailhead that leads to my secret hideout, and passed the park where I kissed my first love. My whole life I was so desperate to leave this place. I wanted to escape so badly and would dream of all the places I’d get to explore some day. But it’s funny now that I get to do exactly what I always dreamed of, I drive thousands of miles across the country to get back here. To see the place I deemed mundane and boring. To type this from the kitchen table where I ate breakfast every day before school and had to endure way too many “family talks”. Traveling for me is exciting, intoxicating, and constantly teaches me new things that I would probably never learn otherwise. But being home is familiar, comforting, and re-teaches me all the things I’ve already known but forgot somewhere along the way. – So many of us are desperate to escape. To get out there and leave it all behind. But I wish I would’ve seen this place for what it was all along. Don’t be like me and wait until you return to find the magic where you are now. There’s a kind of beauty in the boring that you won’t find in the excitement.

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自分の力で “望みの生活” を手に入れたシドニーさん。同じように生きていきたいと思う人のために、それまでの旅で積み重ねた事例やアイデアを惜しげもなく公開しています。

バンの改修の仕方やバン生活の様子、旅しながらでもできるお金の稼ぎ方など、彼女のWebサイト「Divine On The road」で読むことができます。さまざまな情報を発信してくれてもいるので、ぜひチェックしてみてください。

参照元:Divine On The roadInstagram @divineontheroad
執筆:田端あんじ (c)Pouch

 - blog, わんこ, エンタメ, ゴールデンレトリバー, バン生活, 女性, , ,